Sunday, February 5, 2012

Parents Evening appointments

You will have received a letter on Friday February 3rd confirming your appointment to discuss your child's progress with our staff members.
During the meeting staff will ask you to sign our Home / School agreement; discuss your child's attendance and punctuality, talk  the latest assessment results and any other issues that have arisen throughout the year so far.

Here are the arrangements for our parent evenings.

  • You are invited to report to the school main hall FIVE MINUTES prior to your appointment where you will be taken to meet your child’s teacher by one of our Year 6 pupils.
  • The bell will ring after each ten minute appointment.
  • Please will you complete a parental response form after your appointment commenting on your child’s achievements and progress to date.
I look forward to welcoming you to what is always an enjoyable experience where we celebrate your child's successes and achievements with us.

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